UHS Parent Teachers Students Association (PTSA)

University High School PTSA is renewing its National PTA School of Excellence status! Please help us by supporting our events presented with you in mind.
2022-2023 Calendar of Events
[View Full Calendar Here]
PTSA General Meeting
- Reflections Awards Presentation, 1/9/23
- PTSA Scholarship Application Deadline, 3/24/2023
- Legislative Field Trip to Tallahassee, 3/28/23
- Permission Slips & Payment Deadline, 3/15/23
- Security Guards Appreciation, 1/16/23
- Bus Drivers Appreciation/NPTA Founders Day Recognition, 2/17/23
2022-2023 PTSA General Meetings
Our general meetings will be announced as soon as dates are determined.

"PTSA The Cougar Way" Become a PTSA Member Today!
Join the oldest volunteer organization and support our University High School PTSA. Check out our PTSA store [https://universityhsptsa.new.memberhub.store/store]
Students receive 25 Cougar Credits if they join PTSA!!! Check Cougar Corner for details!
Cash, Cash App $UHSPTSA, or check payable to University High School PTSA still accepted!!
PTSA Scholarship Application window is now open!
PTSA offers scholarships to graduating seniors who are PTSA members. Download application here. Deadline to submit application is March 24, 2023.
Essay Topic: Family and Community Engagement
What are your thoughts on the benefits of parental/caregiver involvement to students’ success in school/academics? What are some barriers preventing such involvement, and how can the PTSA/school help rectify the situation? Essay should be no more than 500 words. Email [email protected] for more information and scholarship packet.
PTSA Adoption
At the request of the Orange County Council of PTAs/PTSAs in collaboration with the Foundation for Orange County Public School, we have adopted Union Park Middle school. We are seeking community sponsors to support our work. If you are interested in helping this school, please email [email protected]