Upcoming Senior Events
Shirt Sales
Shirt sales will continue
Sales will continue February 12th
The sizes will be limited and done on a first come first serve basis. Pick up information will be released at a later date.
Shirt Pickups
Shirt pickups will begin February 5, 2024 in front of the bell tower.
Monday February 5th
Last Names A-N
Tuesday February 6th
Last Names O-Z
Wednesday February 7th
Last Names A-N
Thursday February 8th
Last Names O-Z
Friday February 9th
Those who paid for shirts but did not receive them earlier in the week
How to Order Cap and Gowns
There are two options for how you can order your cap and gown.
There are two options for you to order your gown:
Option 1
You can pick up an order packet in the front office and proceed with your order with the instructions directed there. Ask for the Jostens information packet.
Option 2
You can place your order online via the Jostens website, the link is as follows
Senior Tiles
When - March 1, 2024 during 6th and 7th period
Price - $5
When - April 12, 2024. 5pm to 2am
Where - Universal Studios
In order to attend, you must turn in your golden ticket to Ms. Nieves. You can pick up blank golden tickets in the attendance office.
When you go to check in with Ms. Lopez to approve your attendance, if there are any discrepancies, ask her to print out a list of your absences. In doing this, you can go through those dates to see which dates need to be excused if applicable. The requirement for absences goes based on 90% attendance since the beginning of the year. The absences that count against you in what percentage are unexcused absences.
The total price is $140 and all payments for GradBash are due by February 24, 2024. You will receive the link to pay once your Golden Ticket is turned in and approved.
Furthermore, when you are completing the field trip form for GradBash, you are to attach a copy of your medical insurance in order to go. If you have any questions regarding your proof of insurance, reach out to Ms. Weaver.
Contio Laureata
When - April 23, 2024 6pm to 8pm
Where - PAC
Contio Laureata or “An Assembly of Honored Scholars” is the Latin motto of University High School and the name of this spring event which honors outstanding student achievements.
Senior Sunset
When - May 3, 2024 5pm to 6pm
Where - Stadium
Seniors will all gather together to watch the sunset.
Senior Spotlight
When - May 14, 2024 at 2pm to 4pm
This is the time that parents are able to put up banners and flyers for their seniors. All these items will be showcased during Senior Drive Thru.
Senior Last Day
When - May 15, 2024
As a reminder, if you have any exams that take place after this date (such as AP exams) you are to still attend those exams.
Senior Drive Thru
When - May 15, 2024 at 5pm
This is the time that seniors get to say their final goodbyes to UHS by driving around the campus for their final time.
Graduation Rehearsal
When - May 16, 2024 8am to 12pm
We will rehearse the way we will present ourselves at graduation, during this time they can also pick up awards they did not receive at Contio Laureata, their hand cards, and their graduation tickets.
Graduation rehearsal is MANDATORY, if you cannot attend (due to testing) you MUST see Ms. Weaver for approval by May 10, 2024.
When - May 29, 2024 at 8:30am
Where - UCF Arena