The mission of the MCJROTC Program is to develop character and citizenship in the youth of America.
It’s a school elective with after-school opportunities. After-school participation is not required to get a good grade in the class, but it is recommended to get the most out of what the program has to offer. After-school/extra-curricular opportunities include Academics Team, Physical Training Team, Drill Team, Marksmanship Team (air-rifle), Color Guard, Community Service, Fund-raising, and Leadership Development.
Contact your School Counselor.
Students must be athletically cleared in accordance with OCPS policy and guidelines in order to participate in JROTC. The Electrocardiogram (ECG) is good for all four years of high school. The Sports Physical must be updated annually. The link below takes you to a detailed UHS Athletic Physical Check Sheet designed to assist you in meeting this requirement. Students already athletically cleared for a high school sport do not have to repeat the process for JROTC.
Physical Check Sheet
* You must join the military after graduation.
* JROTC is not a recruiting program. There is no military requirement or commitment.
* You must wear a uniform every day.
* The uniform is typically worn one day out of the week.
* Male cadets must get a buzz haircut.
* Conservative haircuts and styles are required. Zero to three inches, tapered for males.
* JROTC is for boys only.
* Many cadets are female. Much of the leadership is female.
* If you are in JROTC you can’t be in other activities such as band, sports, or other clubs.
* You can do both. JROTC is a class that allows you to do both. You determine your priorities.
* The uniforms and equipment are expensive.
* The uniform, including accessories, are issued FREE. Dry-cleaning fees for service uniforms may apply.
* Once I sign up for JROTC I’m stuck in it and can’t get out.
* As with any other class, withdrawals can be coordinated with school counselors and with parent/guardian consent.
* You have to be in good shape to be in JROTC.
* Come as you are. We will meet you where you are at. You will be challenged no matter what.
1. Gives students an appreciation for the origin, advantages, and responsibilities of citizenship.
2. Develops an understanding of leadership skills and the advantages of strong moral character.
3. Promotes in the students an understanding for the need and application of national security.
4. Develops in students a sense of pride and personal discipline and responsibility.
5. Develops an understanding and respect for constitutional authority as the foundation of a democratic society.
1. Opportunities for JROTC-specific SCHOLARSHIPs. Guidance and mentorship for those pursuing competitive Service Academy appointments or ROTC scholarships (3-year or full-ride). Opportunities to compete for competitive JROTC Flight Academy slots where students can attain a pilot's license after approximately 8 weeks of paid-for summer aviation training.
2. Students who complete 2 years of JROTC will receive 1 full credit for HOPE (PE) and 1 full credit for Performing Arts.
3. Students who complete 2 years of JROTC may be entitled to advance promotion to the grade of no less than E-2 on initial enlistment in an active or reserve component of the military.
4. Students who complete 3 years of JROTC may be awarded (at the discretion of the Military Department) the grade of E-3.
5. Instruction in Leadership, Citizenship, Discipline, Teamwork, Team-building, Ethics, Respect/Courtesy, Overcoming Adversity, Conflict-Resolution, Self Confidence, Self Esteem, Standards, Organizational Skills, Goal-Setting, Positive Habit-Forming, Physical Fitness, Nutrition, Basic First Aid, Personal Finance, Peer Pressure Management, Stress Management, Methods of Instruction, Military History, Map Reading, Orienteering.
6. Life skills! The development of your personal potential, the enhanced ability to communicate with others, the knowledge and ability to coordinate varied activities, the focused skills to plan, organize and lead group activities, and the knowledge and skills to motivate and bring a team together will give the student a distinct advantage in college and/or your career.
7. Other benefits: You will find a home away from home and become part of a family. You will develop inseparable bonds with your peers. You will make memories that will last a lifetime. You will laugh. You will cry. You will know what it’s like to compete AND WIN. You will be pushed outside of your comfort zone. You will discover that it’s okay to try and fail. You will learn to bounce back from failure. You will discover that you are capable of more than you thought. You might get a free meal at the Golden Corral. You’ll definitely get to eat plenty of MREs…And you will wear some of the coolest-looking uniforms – the Dress Blues are fire!
Glenn Schmid
Major, USMC (Ret)
Senior Marine Instructor
Office:407 482-8700
Email:[email protected]
Stanley Powell
Master Gunnery Sergeant, USMC (Ret)
Marine Instructor
Office:407 482-8700
Email:[email protected]